Click HERE to schedule a FREE connection call to create a personalized Birth Plan!

Power Over Fear

The very moment you find out you're pregnant you're basically marching into the unknown. Most fear is fear of the unknown. We don't know what lies ahead of us, so we become apprehensive. Our imagination can magnify problems until they seem insurmountable.  You may not have confidence in your abilities today but have confidence in your ability to learn the knowledge and tools you need to navigate motherhood. 

Birth Your Way

The power of a birth plan isn't the actual plan. It's the process of becoming educated about all of your options. Birthing is a natural process and not a medical emergency. 


1 on 1 Coaching


Is your mind, body, heart and soul aligned with a positive birthing experience that you envision? Connect with Danielle today for a free 30 minute coaching call!

All-in-One Course


Finally, everything in one course that covers all four topics: Pregnancy, Labor, Birth and Postpartum. The All-in-One Childbirth Toolkit online course is designed to educate both YOU and your partner.



The Birth Love Podcast 


Are people spontaneously sharing their birth stories with you and also giving you unsolicited advice? The Birth Love Podcast is where you can find stories and expert interviews that you can choose to consume. 


About Us

What is the birth love? Get to know our founder Danielle Manguinao and hear her story!


The Birthing Mindset

If you are wanting to know more about what to expect and how to prepare for pregnancy and birthing, this is for you! 

Trust your body. It can do amazing things! 


Christianne M. // Calgary, AB Canada

Baby girl actually surprised us and I went into labour on Monday! We were in and out of the hospital fairly quickly so that was a relief. Thank you for all your support and suggestions while I was looking at all the options.


Free Checklist: Questions to ask the hospitals and birthing centres during COVID-19


We've compiled a list of questions for you to ask during your hospital and birthing centre tours. Download your FREE PDF Checklist!



Free PDF Download: How much does it really cost to give birth?


Who doesn't love an informative infographic?! The data used is based on the state of maternity in Alberta, Canada that is relative to the cost in North America. 


Free PDF Download: Tips on how to prevent tearing during birthing


We outline the components of what is needed in order to prevent tearing during the delivery of your baby.